Investors tend to have expectations in retirement that may be unrealistic. According to The Wall Street Journal, there are 9 myths that some investors believe will be true that if end up not happening can cause a retirement plan to completely fall apart. These 9 myths are:
Investors want to believe these myths will be true so they can have the retirement they really want. It is our job and fiduciary duty at The Legacy Council to analyze our clients' real needs and wants for retirement and show them a realistic plan for their future. Call us at (513) 442-2000 for your complimentary retirement analysis today!
- Myth #1: “I’m going to work in retirement.”
- Myth #2: “My home is my safety net.”
- Myth #3: “I can live on 70% or 80% of my pre-retirement income.”
- Myth #4: “My taxes will go down in retirement.”
- Myth #5: “I’m comfortable with debt.”
- Myth #6: “My spouse is taking care of everything.”
- Myth #7: “I’m going to get an inheritance.”
- Myth #8: “I’m going to get a pension—and it’s safe.”
- Myth #9: “I won’t need long-term care.”
Investors want to believe these myths will be true so they can have the retirement they really want. It is our job and fiduciary duty at The Legacy Council to analyze our clients' real needs and wants for retirement and show them a realistic plan for their future. Call us at (513) 442-2000 for your complimentary retirement analysis today!